City of Lockport Committee of the Whole Met


City Administrator, Ben Benson, presented an update on the Will County Government League for this year’s electricity plan. The current electrical rate is.071, the winning bid.075; compared to ComEd, which is 078 or.079 Lockport residents should get a savings of $75/yr by participating in the electricity aggregation program. Letters will be sent in the next week or two; residents can select to opt-out. Last year’s savings was $65, so the new contract will result in more savings. This contract will also provide carbon free electrical energy. To prevent the confusion that residents experienced in last year’s mailing, the City of Lockport letterhead logo will be included on the postcard, along with notification and explanation of the program. Any residents that previously opted out, and selected a different third party provider will NOT be notified.

Items Recommended To Be Placed On The Agenda For Consent Or Action At The Next Regularly Scheduled City Council Meeting

Professional Service Agreement with Greenberg Farrow for Revising the 2003 Lockport Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan

City Administrator, Ben Benson, presented the history of the current bicycle/pedestrian master plan which is 15 years old. The City needs to revisit and update the bike plan. $50K is included in the budget, including the grant, for the bicycle/pedestrian master plan. At this time, it is prudent for the Council to review and revisit the Plan. The proposal gives a refresher on how to manage the plan. It will require stakeholder review, the connections, and community input.

ACTION: Add to Consent Agenda for August 15 City Council Meeting.

Resolution No. 18-036 Approving the Proposed Annexation Agreement and Ordinance No. 18- 037 Approving the Annexation of Property at 812 S. Farrell Road

City Administrator, Ben Benson, presented the staff report on the annexation of 812 S. Farrell in unincorporated Lockport, across from Lockport Township High School and the police station. City Staff was approached by the owner of 812 S. Farrell because they requested a permit for a pool. To do so, the owner needs to connect to city water, and are required to apply for annexation to do so. The property is currently zoned as R2 residential.

This is a simple annexation. The property does have a non-conforming, oversized accessory used as garage; this structure can still exist as long as not damaged or destroyed. Any replacement must be constructed in-line with current ordinances. The Applicant has paid for the fees to connect to the City water. One open item is the private septic tank, which will continue exist, and has been inspected and passed will county health standards and city code. Verbiage in the ordinance will require any sale of the property to have new buyer connect to the city sewer and pay a connection fee. City inspection of the pool and deck will not require separate city approval process.

Staff is recommending a hearing on August 15 at City Council for annexation and the ordinance to be approved.

ACTION: Add as a Public Hearing for the August 15 City Council Meeting.

Rezoning from R2 Residential Zoning District (Unincorporated Will County) to R1 Single Family Residential District (City of Lockport), 812 S. Farrell Road

City Attorney, Sonni Williams, presented the Staff Report on the rezoning of the property at 812 S. Farrell to rezone the property from R2 to R1. Three sides of property are adjacent to R1 zoned properties, so the rezoning will be consistent with standard zoning. This topic was presented to the Plan and Zoning Commission on July 10; no objectors were present and the Commission recommended approval. There is one correction to plat required, to accurately reflect the property lines. Staff is seeking to be added to the August 15 agenda for final consideration.

ACTION: Add as an Action Item to the August 15 City Council Meeting.

Rezoning from R1 Single Family Residential to C2 Commercial Highway and Special Use Permit for an Apartment Hotel/14556 S. Archer Avenue

Director of Community & Economic Development, Pamela Hirth presented the staff report on the property located at 14556 Archer. This property has a hotel, existing since early 1990s. The property consists of 6.99 acres. A special use permit was previously approved for unique use for hotel in R1 zoning; the hotel was specifically crafted for the current owner, Tamalas. The existing special use for current owners also requires that they reside on-site. The owners have not lived on property for several years. In 2017 an interested buyer, Patel, came forth. During review, staff inspected the property. The Prospective property buyer was unable to come to an agreement with current owner on maintenance items. Buyer withdrew interest. As a result of visual inspection, several maintenance issues were identified, many carried over from submittal. At the Plan & Zoning meeting on July 10, the Commission discussed concerns of the condition of property and timing to complete the maintenance issues. On July 26, Staff conducted another site inspection, to confirm if the owner was meeting the condition of approval on items to be addressed by 8/1 meeting. Outstanding issues include fence around existing trash container; waiting on permit. Parking area is a topic of discussion; striping will be required. Landscaping work, mulch still in-progress. PZ gave an additional 30 days to replace the existing wood fence, resanding the sign, and adding landscaping. The owner will be required to submit photometric plan to maintain sufficient light levels. One condition of approval is that this property is adjacent to residential property on the North side, which requires a 15 foot buffer between commercial and residential properties. Staff seeking direction on how to proceed and whether to extend additional time or complete the improvements by August 15.

Staff has been working with the current owner to investigate the appropriate zoning, based on current usage. The definition of Apartment hotel/efficiency seemed to provide the best option, as provides for a combination of permanent residency plus overnight guests.

The requested maintenance items and changes to the property are not the result of rezoning, but instead the result of inspections by City Staff to ensure that the property is in compliance with current codes especially related to general maintenance and clean-up.

The outstanding items include concerns about the planting area around the sign, removal of boulders and maintenance of the fence around the property.

Motion To Table The Topic, Made By Petrakos, Seconded By Bergbower. Roll Call Vote On The Motion:

Ayes – Saban, Petrakos, Deskin, Bartelsen, Bergbower Nays – None Absent – Vandermeer, Perretta

Abstain – None 5 Ayes, 0

Nay, 2 Absent, 0

Abstain – Motion Carried

9th Street Streetscape Project (Railroad Crossing to State Street)

Director of Public Works, Brent Cann, presented the staff report in regards to an additional section of streetscape; the proposed plan is to add 1 block from Commerce intersection east, up to State Street. This proposed addition includes the take down of a wall that is in disrepair and needs to be removed. On the south side there are also two stairwells for existing businesses; one owner looking to improve stairwell and make it future commercial use. All work is expected to be completed by June 30, 2019, by D Construction. This addition to the streetscape will be funded by the City of Lockport, and has been bid as an item separately from the existing streetscape work.

Discussion among the council ensued on cost savings, how that money is used, and how CIP projects are selected.

ACTION: Add as an Action Item on the Agenda for August 15 City Council Meeting.

2018 Ford F-250 XL 4×4 Pick-Up Truck for the Streets Department

Director of Public Works, Brent Cann, presented the report on the City fleet of vehicles, and need for replacement. The cost of updating the fleet has been budgeted. The costs for the fleet vehicles is a prenegotiated price for municipalities. Seeking approval to proceed.

ACTION: Add to Consent Agenda for August 15 City Council Meeting.

Police Department Vehicle Purchase of four 2018 Ford Police Interceptors / Resolution 18-037

Chief of Police, Terry Lemming, presented the report on the purchase of four additional squad cars. Under normal circumstances, we request permission to purchase the vehicles, order the vehicles in Spring, and receive the vehicles in Summer. Ford has decided to discontinue and shut down the production of the Ford Explorer; no 2019 models will be produced. The models we seek need to be ordered by the deadline of Sept 21 of this year. The expenses will be covered by State and Federal asset forfeiture accounts. The vehicles will be purchased thru the Suburban purchasing cooperatives at a cost not to exceed $120K.

ACTION: Add to Consent Agenda for August 15 City Council Meeting.


  1. Director of Public Works, Brent Cann, presented the report on the Sanitary Sewer Line at Well

15,adjacent to ProLogis. The sanitary portion where the water treatment is to be installed, is tied to the ProLogis sanitary sewer. Recommending that we expand the existing contract to complete this work. Proposal received this week $153,605.25 for Lake County Grading. This is a budgeted item for Well 15. Seeking approval to present at the next Council meeting.

ACTION: Add as an Action Item on the Agenda for August 15 City Council Meeting.





AYES, 0 NAY, 2



Will County Gazette